Relationships Counselling & Therapy

Romantic relationships are not easy, whether you are in a long term relationship or married. A relationship needs ongoing work, compromise and understanding. If there is a serious problem, then working through it quickly can avoid complications in the future.

Proven Relationship Therapy in the UK

Relationship counselling is a psychotherapy working with two people that are in a relationship. The focus is to help them gain insight into the relationship and resolve any conflicts or problems. This is done using cognitive behavioural therapy and other therapeutic interventions.

Counselling for relationships starts with me asking some basic questions regarding the relationship. This gives me the opportunity to learn more about both partners, their family histories and values. Then we start focusing on the problem in the relationship.

It’s important that during the sessions the couple gains insight into their own relationship, along with helping you change your behaviours, changing how you interact with each other. It’s not uncommon to be given homework, where you get to apply your new skills in daily interactions. Most couples going to a relationship therapist will learn how to communicate with each other effectively, along with improved problem solving.

As an experienced and qualified relationship counsellor, backed by more than seventeen years of experience, I can provide you with the relationship therapy in the UK that you are looking for. Contact me today to find out more.

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